Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan



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As we previously informed, SUE “Tajikairnavigation” representative participated in the ICAO Workshop on National Aviation Safety Plan (NASP) Development, organized by ICAO in Istanbul, Turkey. The event was hosted under the leadership of the Nicolas Rallo Regional Director, European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office, ICAO and with the participation of experts such as Martin Maurino, Arkady Merkulov and Leyla Sulaymonova.

The requirements and stages of the plan development were presented to the participants by the experts. During workshop, representatives of countries with experience in the development and implementation of NASP - Spain, Turkey and Georgia - assisted the participants in the practical exercises.

Over 3 days, the workshop participants shared experiences on goal of developing NASP, Basic concepts for developing NASP, Specific points in writing NASP, Identification of national safety issues, Identification of national issues of ensuring flight safety, choosing initiatives to increase the level of safety assurance ( SEI) and others.

The main goal was to coordinate the participating countries, share experiences and help in developing a plan for other countries. SUE “Tajikairnavigation” is considered a key service provider of the industry and contributes to NASP development.

In order to develop Tajikistan National Aviation Safety Plan (NASP), a working group has been established, which consists of 12 people and includes Enterprise representatives. The final draft of the plan is scheduled to be presented in early November.

SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Press Center