Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

National unity – the guarantor of peace and stability

National unity – the guarantor of peace and stability

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On June 22, a solemn event dedicated to the 26th anniversary of National Unity Day was conducted in SUE “Tajikairnavigation” hall. At the meeting, the First Deputy General Director Davron Shodmonbekzoda, on behalf of the General Director of SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Begijonzoda Loik Begijon, congratulated all employees of the enterprise on National Unity Day.
On the topic “National Unity, the Source of Peace and Tranquility and the Path to Brighter Future”, Shokarim Safarmamadov, an economist of the Planning and Economic Department, made a speech regarding the history and role of National Unity, the signing of General Agreement on the Establishment of Peace and National Accord in Tajikistan and the modern development of society. In his speech, it was noted that the Founder of Peace and National Unity - the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, liberated the Tajik people from dispersion, the state from destruction, and the people from civil war and laid the foundation for political, economic, social, historical and cultural development independent state of Tajikistan. It was also emphasized that the pride is that the experience of Tajiks National Unity is recognized by the United Nations and is being studied by various international organizations to resolve internal conflicts in other countries of the world. Today, the Republic of Tajikistan, as a full member of the international community, has established diplomatic relations with many countries of the world, and is recognized as an active and influential country in protecting national interests, respecting universal human values, and solving global problems. From this point of view, in the modern era, independence and unity are considered the highest and most valuable achievements of the state, protection of this unique achievement is considered the sacred duty of every member of society.
Robia Adilova, controller of the enterprise Control Tower in her speech on the topic “National Unity Contribution to Development of the Civil Aviation of the Republic of Tajikistan” emphasized the role of national peace and unity in the development of aviation. It was noted that thanks to stability and unity, aviation developed and achieved significant success in the republic. During independence, cooperation in the field was established with 20 countries of the world and 30 cooperation agreements were signed. The direct participation of the Head of State in the commissioning of a new airline terminal, a new terminal, a cargo terminal, a modern reception hall for VIP guests and the most important achievement of the industry - commissioning of a Control Tower, providing the industry with modern equipment, especially air navigation equipment, is proof of these achievements. As a result of stability, a solid foundation was laid for the restoration of peace and tranquility, mutual understanding, national accord, and socio-economic development.
Ozodamo Kholikova, Meteorological Technician of the Aviation Meteorological Center of the Enterprise, spoke on the topic “One hundred shades of chakan, atlas and adras are a sign of Tajik woman dignity” and expressed her opinion on increasing the sense of patriotism and self-knowledge, national pride, protecting history and civilization, culture, national and folk traditions presenting the high art of the Tajik people. It was emphasized that at the initiative of the Leader of the Nation at the 13th meeting of UNESCO, held in the Republic of Mauritius, “Chakan” was included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. In this context, it was highlighted that Tajik women should make efforts to preserve the national heritage, its presentation in the international arena, as well as the Tajik culture of wearing clothes to the next generation.
In the second part of the employee training of the SUE “Tajikairnavigation”, which is conducted periodically in accordance with the HR Department Work Plan exchange of views took place on the above topics.
SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Press Center