On April 8, 2024, in the SUE “Tajikairnavigation” meeting hall was hosted the meeting enterprise employees with Acting Head of the General Control Department of the Transport Prosecutor’s Office of Tajikistan, judicial advisor 2nd level Rahimzoda Behruz Mirzorahim.
The First Deputy of the General Director Davron Shodmonbekzoda opened the meeting and expressed his opinions regarding the modern world threats, including the clash of cultures and civilizations, religious and belief divisions and conflicts, the unprecedented expansion of terrorism and religious extremism, “dual politics” in relation to religious extremist groups, their impact on society and our state.
Then Rahimzoda Behruz delivered speech and mentioned that today the Republic of Tajikistan is recognized as a leading country in the fight against terrorism and extremism and is fighting against these dangerous phenomena in cooperation with the international community. In this regard, the adoption and implementation of the Concept of state policy in religion sphere and national strategies on countering extremism and terrorism 2016-2020 and 2021-2025, National Strategy on Countering Terrorism and Extremism for 2021-2025 and other important documents are measures Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in this process.
In the end, every patriotic individual, especially young people invited to strengthen political intelligence and strive to protect the state independence and integrity of the country.
SUE “Tajikairnavigation” Press-Center