Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

SUE “Tajikairnavigation” branch in Khujand city

SUE “Tajikairnavigation” branch in Khujand city

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Based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated October 1, 2008, under No. 491 on the reorganization of the State Unitary Aviation Enterprise “Tajik Air”, SUE “Tajikairnavigation” was established and, according to enterprise the charter opened its branches in Khujand, Kulob and Bokhtar cities.

The State Unitary Enterprise “Tajikairnavigation” branch was established in Khujand city on March 1, 2009 and is considered one of the largest branches of enterprise. Branch organizational structure consisted from auxiliary personnel, Air Traffic Services Sector, Radio Engineering Support of Flights and Aeronautical Telecommunications Service and Civil Aviation Meteorological Station.

Air Traffic Services Sector is one of the enterprise structures and provides safe and regular air transport flights in the Sughd region and at the Khujand Airport that is consists of the civil sector of the axillary area control center of the Unified Air Traffic Management System, the precision approach, the Aerodrome Control Center, the Control Tower and Briefing Office. Only in 2023, the ATS provided services to more than 12,700 aircraft. During its operation, the ATS staff has coordinated with Khujand Airport Services and adjacent controllers of Tashkent, Namangan and Dushanbe airports.

Radio Engineering Support of Flights and Aeronautical Telecommunications Service of the enterprise branch consists from “radiolocation and radionavigation” unit, “aviation electrical communication” unit and meteorological equipment service group. The radar and radionavigation unit (RL RN) consists of objects of the center of radio technical support, DME, object of the separate radio station “Uroteppa” and remote stations of MLAT. Radiolocation and radionavigation unit main task is to ensure the proper operation and use of radar equipment, such as the multi-location system, the “Master” automatic system, the SMAR-T multi-channel automatic registration system, and solar and diesel power supply equipment. As well as, this unit is responsible for the operation and use of radio navigation tools, such as automatic radio direction finders ARP-150, DME-220 Range Finders and the aviation electrical communication unit (ABA) consisting of the objects of the communication switching center, radio bureau and wave reception center. The department main tasks are to ensure the functionality and correct use of communication tools, such as the “FREQUENTIS” voice communication system, special aviation radio stations “I-com”, “Rohde & Schwarz”, the “Monitor” communication switching center system, the organization and maintenance of optical communication, telephone, telegraphic and digital lines. At the same time, the communication unit includes the meteorological equipment service group, which is responsible for ensuring the operation of the meteorological equipment of the “VAISALA” flight line, MeteoExpert system, Gismeteo, Liana, ATIS. Unit specialists and workers directly participate in all installation, repair, disassembly and connection of technical equipment and tools, office equipment and household equipment.

 The first meteorological station in the Republic of Tajikistan was established in the XIX century during the reign of Alexander II in 1866, and during the Soviet period, all meteorological observation was entrusted to the Committee of Hydrometeorology. The main purpose is to observe the wind, the shape of the wind, the direction of the wind, air temperature, precipitation, atmospheric pressure. Observations are conducted on a daily basis.

Until 2009, Khujand meteorological station was included in the Hydrometeorological Committee of Tajikistan. In May 2009, under a contract with the Hydrometeorological Agency of the Khujand station entered to SUE “Tajikairnavigation” branch in Khujand city. Currently, in order to improve services Khujand Civil Aviation Meteorological Station (KCAMS) is connected with ATIS system, which broadcasts weather conditions.

It should be noted that this station employees have undergone regular training and received diplomas and certificates.